In 1993, the Teleki Téka Foundation was established in Basel, Switzerland; its aim is to support the Teleki-Bolyai Library. In 1999, the Basel foundation also established a foundation in Marosvásárhely with the same name, the Teleki Téka Foundation. Members of the Marosvásárhely foundation are librarians of the Teleki-Bolyai Library, members of the Teleki family as well as remarkable scientific and art personalities.
The Marosvásárhely foundation has been continuously raising funds for equipment and books indispensable for the library’s functioning, organizing scientific conferences and helping the day-to-day activity of the library. Since 2000, thanks to some foreign-targeted donations, the foundation has employed one or two young people freshly out of college to get them acquainted with library work; later, they get transferred onto the library’s payroll.
Mailing Address:
Fundaţia Teleki Téka Alapítvány
Str. Bolyai nr. 17.
540067 Tg. Mureş, Romania
Phone: 0040-265-261.857; E-mail: