Opening Hours


Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-18:00

Reading Room:

Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-18:00

Last admission half an hour before closing time!

Sámuel Teleki

Count Sámuel Teleki de Szék was born in the village of Gernyeszeg, Maros County on 17th November, 1739. A crucial time of his years of preparation was the four-year study tour he performed in Europe (1759-1763),

Domokos Teleki

Domokos Teleki (1773-98) was Sámuel Teleki’s the eldest surviving child that reached adulthood, however due to an unknown illness he also passed away at a young age.

Zsuzsanna Bethlen

Zsuzsanna Bethlen (1754-97) was the daughter of Domokos Bethelen de Iktár and Mária Wesselényi. She was introduced to Sámuel Teleki at the age of 14, then on 19th February 1770 they married.

Teleki Collection
Teleki Collection
Library of the Calvinist College
Library of the Calvinist College
Miscellaneous Collection
Miscellaneous Collection
Manuscripts, Archives
Manuscripts, Archives
Our Treasures
Our Treasures
New Acquisitions
New Acquisitions

Bolyai Museum

Farkas Bolyai

Farkas Bolyai was born in Bólya, Sibiu County on 9th February 1775, to a lower nobility family. He started his studies at Calvinist College of Aiud (Nagyenyed). Due to his advancement in mathematics and languages he was considered a child prodigy.

János Bolyai

János Bolyai was one of the greatest personalities in the history of mathematics. He broke new grounds in science: the creation of Non-Euclidian geometry revolutionized geometry and the theory of physics and replaced Newtonian theories about the world.

Bolyai Museum

Târgu-Mures is the hometown of the two famous mathematicians, father and son, Frakas and János Bolyai, where they were known, but unacknowledged personalities.

Thomas Morus: De optimo reip. statu... noua insula Utopia. Basileae, 1518.

Thomas More (1478–1535),

was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author,

statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist.

He was also a Chancellor to Henry VIII.

 He wrote Utopia,

about the political system

of an imaginary,

ideal island nation.

The book containes a woodcut map of the Island of Utopia

by Ambrosius Holbein

and the Utopian alphabet.

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Besides offering the services connected with the reading room and the exhibitions, the Teleki-Bolyai Library organises other activities and events with which it participates in the scientific and cultural life of the community.


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